The last couple of weeks have been a whirl wind from attending AHS, travleling for work and for fun. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to attend the 1st Ancestral Health Symposium. I learned a ton and I pretty much got to see everyone of my paleo/nutrition heros present. I snapped a few photos on my phone … My apologies for the poor quality.
You can access many of the presentations here and you can watch many of the lectures here.
Dr. Michael Eades…
Dr. Robert Lustig giving a very interesting presentation on fructose… In my opinion, the best lecture of the symposium…
Mat La Londe presenting on the importance of scienctific proof within the paleo movement…
Mark Sisson presenting on the importance of playing without being attached to the outcome…
His hilarious intro slide, which was refreshing, after listening to scientific presenations for 2 days…
Kim & I pigging out on beef jerky from US Wellness meats… yum!