UPDATE: This book is now available as a published print book HERE.
Being in my early 30s, I have discussions about infertility weekly, either with friends that are experiencing it or are anxious that they might when they are ready to have a baby. Infertility troubles have become far too common and they can be devastating and stressful.
According to the book, Feed Your Fertility, some of this could be attributed to the fact that “we are actually designed to make babies when we are young. As most women reach their mid-30’s, their ovarian reserve begins to wane, and egg quality declines” (Bartlett & Laura Erlich, 93).
The authors didn’t write this book to tell those of us that are trying to get pregnant in our 30s that it is all doom and gloom. It’s actually quite the opposite, they address the fact that becoming pregnant does become difficult with age, but they tell us exactly what to do to improve our odds of conceiving, having a healthy pregnancy and a thriving baby. In addition, they help us navigate the terrain of both natural and medical approaches to improving fertility.
Did you know that what you eat for months before you conceive could affect your fertility, pregnancy, and the health of your child?
Most western practitioners will just tell you to pop-up a prenatal vitamin for a few months before conception. In this book, you will learn why this approach is not enough and what you should be doing instead to not only get pregnant, but to have a healthy baby. And I am not talking healthy in the conventional sense, which mainly means void of deformities. The approach in this book will help you have a strong, happy, thriving baby!
Where this book differs from many others on the topic is that the authors have an in-depth understanding of both western and eastern approaches to fertility. They offer an in depth section on western fertility treatments and they are aware that sometimes these treatments are necessary. They also provide a section on holistic approaches you can take to support conventional fertility treatments and improve your results, making this book a must-read for those already going through IVF or other advanced fertility treatments.
Who should read this book?
- Anyone currently struggling to conceive.
- Anyone that is currently going through advanced fertility treatments
- Anyone that plans to have a baby in the near or far future
What will you learn?
- How to eat a diet that will increase your ability to conceive.
- Learn why synthetic vitamins are not an adequate preparation for a healthy conception.
- Which vitamins and supplements do you need for fertility?
- How to manage other lifestyle factors that may be hindering your ability to conceive.
- How to use alternative therapies to support fertility.
- How to choose the right practitioners and get the most out of your medical care.
- How to create space in your life for a new little being.
- Learn about both, conventional and holistic solutions for common infertility issues.
- learn how to navigate the medical infertility world.
A couple of fascinating facts from Feed Your Fertility!
“Saturated fat and cholesterol are essential to human health. Despite the bad reputation it has undeservedly earned, saturated fat supports many of the body’s critical functions including a healthy brain and nervous system, strong bones and teeth, optimal lung capacity, and healthy hormone function. Including them liberally in your diet will help to optimize your baby making potential and ensure the health of your child” (Bartlett and Erlich, 39).
Do you know about the male factor?
“Approximately 30% of infertility cases are due to sperm issues, also called Male Factor Infertility. The most obvious indication of male infertility is a prolonged period of unprotected intercourse without conceiving a child. For most men, there are no obvious signs and symptoms, and the news that their swimmers are not top notch often comes as quite a shock” (Bartlett and Erlich, 120).
If you plan to have a baby in the near or far future, or if you are currently struggling with infertility, then this book is for you!
Click here to grab your copy today!