Good Health! Yep … Not that iPad that I have really really been wanting, or the Jimmy Choo shoes. Those things are all fun to have, but the effects don’t last. Having good health, and losing that extra weight is the best thing you can do for yourself to increase your quality of life and really just feel great about yourself. I started working with Marci a month or so ago. She is a good friend of my cousin Stella’s. She was ready to make a change in her life, and she wasn’t sure if the paleo diet was for her, but she was willing to give it a try. Marci has been so dedicated, and so inspirational. Every morning, I look forward to receiving an email from Marci outlinig what she ate the day before, asking some questions, and updating me on her weight loss. Marci had already lost 9lbs before she even hit her 3 week mark!
Today is Marci’s 35th birthday! In celebration, i wanted to share her story… Happy Birthday, Marci!!!
Hey Everyone! I’ll be honest with you all…Paleo hasn’t been easy but it certainly hasn’t been impossible! My fast approaching 35th birthday looming around was a huge motivation for me to finally say “That’s enough, Marci! DON’T SAY IT! BE IT!!” I had a very stressful 2010 and I was tired of feeling tired…lazy…pathetic…and old. That’s it! I’m going to make a change because I want to be a better version of myself! Arsy’s cousin, Stella, emailed me with Arsy’s blog…so I checked it out. The more and more I read, the more and more I wanted to know. I began researching like a crazy mad woman for Paleo anywhere online…reading blogs, medical info, research, doctor’s opinions, watching videos. Everything I read made sense! I started paying more attention to the things I was eating (still eating grains and starches, but just paying more attention when I did. How did I feel after? How did I feel the next day? What is a paleo option I could be eating instead?) After a few weeks, I contacted Arsy and its as though I went into overdrive researching! After hearing Arsy say it a few times, “she is right….it is just 30 days” So, I did it and now I feel amazing! Clear! Light! Energetic! Ready! Happy! I’m not sleepy throughout the day! I’m not sleepy after a meal! I don’t feel bloated and gross after eating! I feel full and satisfied! I eat the most amazing food and I am having so much fun trying new things and cooking new things! Tonight I made steak, grilled chicken breast, and a vegetable medley of carrots, zucchini, and red onion all grilled in some olive oil and seasonings. I also made a salad with an amazing balsamic vinaigrette dressing that I made! (See the picture…but just like Arsy, I need a better camera! I promise this looked amazing sitting on my plate!) I had some grapes for dessert and I am a happy woman! It’s interesting because this past weekend I had finished 30 days so I allowed myself a couple of cheats and I felt the difference! Wow! I was tired, lazy, had a bit of a headache…I felt bloated and my stomach felt big. It was so interesting to feel that way after feeling so great! And now, I’m eating perfectly because I want to get back to feeling good again! Eating this way has changed my life! This isn’t a 30 day diet or program….this is my life! I want to live a healthy long life full of love and kindness and happiness…and it all starts with how I treat me! I am the only person on this planet that has the power over what I put in my mouth. No one else is going to do this for me! JUST DO IT!