I’ve received several emails and lots of comments about how much you all like the new photos on my blog. Thank you SO much! I love them too! The real credit goes to the two brilliant photographers I worked with to revamp my site – this would be the lovely ladies of Joielala. I’ve worked with them before and I plan to work with them again to do a maternity shoot towards the end of my pregnancy, when my belly is nice and huge! :). And I’ll make sure to share the photos here. These ladies shoot all kinds of stuff – weddings, engagements, lifestyle, boudoir, lookbooks, etc.
Many of us that follow a paleo diet are in the best shape of our lives – most likely the leanest we have ever been. A great reward to following a healthy lifestyle is to scheudle a boudoir shoot for yourself. It made a great 1 year anniversary gift for the hubs, but I think it’s going to be an even more fun thing for me to have 20 years from now. Joielala has such a classy, tasteful and artistic take on boudoir, it’s nothing like some of the cheesy stuff you may have seen in the past. I just wanted to pass on their info. They are based in San Diego, however as you will be able to tell from the photos below, they are complete jetsetters and are willing to travel pretty much anywhere.
Here is a peak of some of the shoots they did in 2011… Looks like such a fun job, right?
Those are wonderful pictures!
I didn’t see it, are they based here in the Bay Area?
Hi Pat! They are in San Diego, but they travel all over.