ONE. Get your mom a Paleo how-to book, plus a Paleo recipe book to encourage her to make some healthy dietary changes. Or if you already have a real-food mama, these books will equip her with more info and recipes! Some of my favorites are The Paleo Foodie (by moi!), Food for Humans by Nom Nom Paleo, and The Paleo Slow Cooker.
TWO. A slow-cooker is a MUST for a busy paleo-mom! I adore my dutch oven as much as the next home-cook, but my slow cooker – I couldn’t survive without it. I use mine multiple times a week to make broth, roasts or one-pot meals. I particularly like this one because it uses an unglazed clay pot – guaranteeing that no aluminum, lead or non-stick chemical coating will come into contact with your food. For a budget friendly option, this one is fantastic. It cooks evenly and has a programmable timer.
THREE. This is currently sitting in my Amazon wishlist. For most of us it is not practical to be without our cell-phones. We rely on them for work, or keeping up with friends and family or both! This case is supposed to funnel the radio frequency energy away from your head.
FOUR. According to Dr. Mercola bras with under-wire can pose a health risk, as the metal continuously presses directly on to, two important neuro-lymphatic reflex points. When pressure is placed on the lymph nodes, the glands are blocked from draining and removing toxins from the body. Although, no controlled studies have been conducted, there is some evidence that suggests a link between breast cancer and under-wire bras. Anyhow, these Cosabella wireless bras are so comfy!
FIVE. Now that I am a mom, I day dream about time to myself, which usually just means an uninterrupted shower. #motherhood. But, an afternoon at the spa would be so so glorious! This gift would definitely make you mom’s favorite! 😉 … Or better yet, get her The Premium Starter Kit from Young Living, which includes 10 oils and a diffuser. It will make her feel like she is at a day spa every day! You can read more about it here.
SIX. Many of us enjoy burning candles and filling our house with a warm scent or creating a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere. Unfortunately, most of those seemingly innocent candles are polluting the air in our homes with toxins. First, they are made of parrafin, which is derived from petroleum. According to Lauren of Empowered Sustenance, “Paraffin wax starts as the sludge at the bottom of the barrel of crude oil. Even asphalt is extracted before paraffin in the refining process!”. In addition to the parrafin, more toxins are added in the form of fragrances and colors. 100% beeswax candles, like these are the healthiest option. So hook mom up!
SEVEN. This dehydrator has also been lingering in my Amazon wishlist. It is perfect for someone like me, who has very little space and way too many kitchen appliances, but really wants to make her own dried-mangoes! The Paleo snack options are endless with this tool – dried fruit, beef-jerky and you can even use it to dry those leftover herbs! Update: I actually got this for Mother’s Day last year and I love it. Here is another great option. I like this dehydrator because it is still affordable, but also has an adjustable thermostat.
thank you so much for all of your insight! You rock
Thank you, Denise! Sorry this reply is so late! I missed some of the comments on my blog recently!
Thank you for this! I have been scrambling trying to figure out what to get my wife for Mother’s Day. #7 is going to be perfect. She had mentioned wanting a food dehydrator a while back and I forgot about it! This will make the perfect gift. Thanks!
Awesome! I am hoping I get #7 too! 🙂
I got a spa giftcard for my birthday in March. I had never had a massage and let me tell you…… It was amazing!!! Something I wish could happen every single day! This is a great list!
It be so nice to get one regularly!
This is an awesome giveaway. An Excalibur dehydrator would be cool.