Home-made broth! I know, I know, I am just late to the game here. I am pretty new to cooking, I started learning a few years ago when I first got into paleo. I was always intimidated by the idea of making broth. I thought it would be really difficult, so I would just buy the organic, gluten-free packaged stuff.
I am dealing with some B12 anemia. Basically, I am taking in plenty of B12 (vitamin found mostly in animal products), but my body isn’t absorbing it. The practitioner I am working with recommended that I drink 2 cups of home-made broth a day.
What I quickly learned is that homemade stock is surprisingly easy to make & the flavor of the pre-packaged broths doesn’t even compare. Plus, this is not processed at all… au natural!
We normally eat prime-cuts of muscle meat, but the organs and the bones are more nutrient dense. Broths are a great way to incorporate these nutrients into your diet. If you have any gut issues, it is supposed to have some great healing effects. Plus, it just tastes SO good!
I made the best pot roast, I have made yet … all thanks to my homemade stock. I’ll include the stock recipe in a separate post.
- 3-4 lb roast (I used grass-fed chuck roast)
- 1 cup of stock
- 2-3 cloves garlic
- 1 onion – sliced
- 2 teaspoons cumin
- dash of cayenne
- salt & pepper
- grass-fed butter, ghee, coconut oil, or animal fat (really whichever you prefer) – I used bacon grease because I had some left over from breakfast.
- Rob roast with cayenne, cumin, garlic, salt & pepper
- Saute onions in grease of choice for 1-2 minutes
- Then, add roast & brown on all sides
- Move roast & onions to slow cooker
- Pour 1 cup of stock in to slow cooker
- Cook on low for 7-8 hours
Looks fabulous! Can’t wait to try the recipe! You should put a couple of your favorites on recipes.com!
Where’s the home-made broth recipe? 🙁
Jason – Thanks for keeping me on point! I will post that broth recipe soon!