I did recently publicly admit to watching a lot of reality tv, but I want you all to know that I do have some morals (just a little bit, but they are still there). One of the few shows that I won’t watch is Toddlers & Tiaras. I personally don’t think beauty pageants for toddlers and young girls is ethical (adults can do what they want) and I don’t condone teaching young girls that physical beauty should be the main focus in life. With that said, one of my girlfriends posted a link to this clip on her facebook page and I could not stop watching it. I honestly probably watched it 10x – a dolla gonna make me holla, honey boo-boo! I am cracking up just typing that. Since, I feel a little guilty for finding so much humor in watching Alana say absurd and ridiculous things, I am dedicating this drink to her by calling it “the honey boo-boo” (the non-alcoholic version, of course!).
Here is the clip, in case you also want to be guilty of unstoppably laughing at a soda-addicted 6 year old.
Now to the real purpose of this post, the recipe. This was the perfect drink to make when one of you is pregnant and can’t indulge, while your partner is much luckier… And for pregnancy, if you have any nausea the fresh ginger may help settle your stomach.
images: weheartit & me.
1 tablespoon of fresh grated ginger
1 teaspoon honey (more if you like your drinks sweeter)
sparkling mineral water or regular lemon
1/2 meyer lemon
Vodka (optional) – We like to use Ciroc because it is gluten-free
To make the ginger: I boiled some water in a tea kettle. I took the ginger and placed it in a tea infuser mesh spoon, like this one. I placed that in a glass and added the boiling water to the top of the spoon, so about 2 inches of water. I let it seep for at least 10 minutes. This made enough for 2 drinks.
Add 1/2 of ginger mixture, 1 teaspoon of honey, juice of 1/2 lemon, and vodka (if using) to a glass. Either use a martini shaker to mix it up or use a second glass, and move it from glass to glass a few times. Then add ice to the glass, fill up the rest of the glass with sparkling water. Garnish with lemon and slice of ginger.
Funny, but frightening. The drink sounds delicious with or without the booze:)
Cat – I had the same reaction. I thought it was a little scary, but a lot more funny! So the cost/benefit analysis paid off! lol