It’s GIVEAWAY time again!
If you’ve been reading my blog for awhile, you know that I am a huge lover of homemade broth. The store-bought stuff just doesn’t compare from a taste or nutrition perspective. According to this article on the WAPF site, “Stock contains minerals in a form the body can absorb easily—not just calcium but also magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur and trace minerals”. Also, the gelatin from the broth is very good for digestion and healing the gut.
Homemade broth is an essential ingredient when cooking with a crock-pot. You can add it to a roast with some spices, to easily create a delicious paleo meal. I know that we don’t all have the time or the desire to make broth. So, I was so excited to see that US Wellness Meats started offering a Beef Marrow Bone Stock Broth, from a recipe taken directly from Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions cookbook (who in my humble opinion, is pretty much the authority on broth :). Plus, US Wellness Meats is a great company to buy your animal products from, as they specialize in healthy, grass-fed sources. I think their mission statement says it all – Do what’s good for our animals, good for our planet and good for you.
This giveaway will include some of the essentials for you to take that slow-cooker out of the graveyard and start putting it to some good use!
- 2.4 pound pail of beef marrow broth (Product will arrive frozen. However, it can be portioned into smaller quantities after arrival).
- ~3lb. chuck roast
- Some ground beef
- Some snack items
The rules are the same as the last giveaway.
To be entered in the drawing…
- If you haven’t “liked” my facebook page yet, go ahead and do that. All new likes, will be included in the drawing.
- If you have already liked my facebook page, share this post on your facebook or twitter feed and leave me a comment here, or on facebook or twitter, letting me know that you have done it. Honor system 🙂
I will pick a winner at random on Friday AM & notify you!
Thanks SO much for participating!
Ashley says
I like you on FB and shared the drawing.
charity says
Valerie says
Already “like” you, so posted on FB
Sarah M says
I already “like” you and I shared the contest on FB.
Dinah Sutton says
Shared on FB…thanks
Kim says
What a great giveaway! My husband and I only buy grassfed meats. I’ve shared your post, so hopefully it’ll bring you some more readers!
Jennifer says
I tweeted YOU! thanks
FamLivingSimple says
Done and Done. Thanks
Liz Garland says
Liked you on Facebook and following you on Twitter (Elizabeth Lynch Garland & @LizGar01) Would LOVE to win this! Thanks!
Kyndra Gardner says
Libby says
I like you on facebook and I shared this giveaway on twitter!
Arsy says
Thanks for participating, everyone! I’ve entered you for the drawing.
Girl Meets Paleo says
I like you on facebook and tweeted the giveaway! such an awesome prize pack, thanks!
Kevin Crawford says
Entered and ready to win!
Heidi Maxwell says
I am a new “Liker” on Facebook. Glad to have found you!
Tracey R says
Liked and shared on Facebook! Under my website Facebook page, so more people will see this. 🙂
Jo Anna says
Liked you on facebook
Melissa Oas says
Already like your fb page, and now follow on Twitter, shared on both!
Lori says
You are liked and shared ; }
Jaini Jenson says
What a wonderful way to learn about new products. Shared on facebook
Cathy Hickman says
Love your blog & Facebook… family is going Paleo & loving it. Your twitter too… linked up…Will share..
William says
Liked it on Facebook and Tweeted it
Treefit says
Liked and shared!
Jessica Kenney says
I already like you on FB and I just shared. Love your blog and I love your photos. Awesomeness all in one!
Belle says
Bobbiklein says
Done! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Jodi Hudgens says
Been a follower for quite some time! Shared!
Tara says
Yum! Thanks for the chance.
Tiffany (NatureMom) says
Liked and shared on twitter. Thanks!
Catherine says
Liked 🙂
Jessica says
DONE and DONE! Love your site!
Cherian says
Erikogirl says
I liked you on facebook & shared on twitter.
Catherine says
Done and done. 🙂
Carey says
I’m happy to have found your blog, and super excited to browse your recipes! Liked you on fb and shared your page to enter the giveaway! Good luck with your cookbook!
Vicki says
Done! Thank you for a fabulous blog, and thanks, also, to U.S. Wellness Meats for participating with so many in the Paleo movement.
Arsy says
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read my blog & enter the giveaway! I really appreciate all the support!
Linda Collier says
I have liked you on FB and shared you there as well!
Chris Brooks says
Liked your facebook page and shared contest with my friends! What a beautiful blog and an awesome giveaway. Thanks and Good luck to everyone!
Chelsea Wipf says
I am a new facebook “liker” 🙂
ulli says
Done. Hope to win – I am hungry
Sheena says
liked you on facebook and followed and shared on twitter! thanks for this giveaway!
Julie says
I like you on FB and shared as well. Have really enjoyed discovering your blog recently!
Sara T. says
Dana says
I posted it now that I am a pro! I really want to win this one, so pick me! =D
adriane says
liked on fb!
JennL in FL says
I liked you the other day, but forgot to comment. 🙂
robin says
Shared Arsy, Hope you are doing well!!
Pat says
Already liking and just shared 🙂
Teala says
“liked” you on facebook and am now following you on twitter. Shared on twitter and facebook. I can appreciate all the work that goes into your work and wanted to say “Thanks” for the blog as well as the contest 🙂
Jovan B. says
Liked you on Facebook.
Holly says
Shared it on FB!
Kyndra Gardner says
Already liked, so I shared!
Annette Hays says
Already like you on FB and I just shared. Thanks for all the wonderful and tasty recipes! Can’t wait for the book.
Megan Dunbar says
Already liked, and shared the word about this great contest! funny how things have changed ever since becoming paleo… winning meat might be the new lotto!
leah says
I liked your FB page!
jeannine says
shared! thank you so much. beautiful site and name too by the way! 🙂 jeannine
Marielle says
I just liked and shared your post on facebook (Marielle Elise). US Wellness let me know about this in their newsletter just a few minutes ago; I’m happy to have a new blog to follow. 🙂
Allison St. C. says
Like you on FB.
Arsy says
Thanks everyone for participating and for taking the time to read my blog!
Megan – So true about going paleo and winning meat is like winning the lotto! That cracked me up!
Happy Sunday!
Kitty says
Liked you on FB – Kitty
Christie B. says
I liked and shared. And I’m so glad I’ve learned about your blog. I’m going to enjoy following your posts!
Kerstin says
I liked you on Facebook. Cool giveaway!
jolie says
buisness handled… yummmm meat!!!
renee says
tweeeted your info as a retweet my twitter name is eater111.
I’m not on FB says
Liked and Shared!
Tabitha says
All done!
Amy E says
I liked you, and posted to facebook!
Michele says
Already “like” you, so shared you on FB! 🙂 Have a great day!
Melissa Fritcher says
I already like your FB page, so I shared this giveaway on my Twitter & FB. Good luck! MMMM!
Evonne Burris says
i shared your facebook post!!