Some of my favorite bloggers are offering Black Friday deals for their eBooks and meal plans! I wanted to share a select few of my personal favorites with you! Happy Shopping!
1. The Paleo Survival Guide
The Paleo Survival Guide from Hollywood Homestead is a must-have resource for anyone who is ready to transition to Paleo, yet overwhelmed with questions. This eBook will teach you practical ways to make Paleo more than just a diet. Learn to make it a way of life! Learn how to grocery shop, how to eat Paleo on-the-go, how to transition your family. This is your one-stop resource for making Paleo successful in the long term.
Click here to learn more or download your copy now! Use the code “BLACKFRIDAY” for 40% off!
2. The Eczema Cure
The Eczema Cure has been an incredibly helpful resource for us. We followed the protocol outlined closely and my husband’s skin almost completely healed the first week. You can read more about our experience in this post. This eBook teaches you to identify the root cause of your eczema and treat it from the inside-out. Learn how to reduce inflammation, remove triggers, and learn how to cultivate a strong immune system.
Click here to learn more or download your copy now! Use the code “BLACKFRIDAY” for 50% off!
3. Feed Your Fertility
Whether you are just starting to plan a family or are experiencing challenges trying to conceive, learn to use real food and healthy living to optimize your fertility and have a thriving baby. This book incorporates principles of Chinese medicine and includes information on how and when to navigate the overwhelming world of western fertility medicine. Even if you are already going through fertility treatments, this book teaches you how to support those treatments with holistic approaches. Read my full review here.
Click here to learn more or download your copy now! Use the code “BLACKFRIDAY” for 50% off!
4. Paleo Meal Plans
Meal plans are a huge life saver! They’ll save you money and time in the kitchen! The Paleo Meal Plans from Holistic Squid include a detailed shopping list, your schedule for the week (helping you minimize your time in the kitchen), recipes for 5 dinners with enough leftovers to cover your lunches, one double recipe, one bonus recipe and a primal option for those that eat dairy!
Click here to learn more or subscribe now! Use the code “BLACKFRIDAY” for 50% off!
5. Grain Free Lunch Box
6. Slow Cooker Freezer Books
Get 30-50% off from now until December 3rd on all products from Mama & Baby Love. My personal favorite is her cookbook bundle deal!
Get all 4 of her books for only $12.50 (50% off of the usual $25). This bundle includes From Your Freezer to Your Family: Slow Cooker Freezer Recipes (95% of recipes are grain-free), Gluten-Free/Grain-Free Baking For Mamas Who Don’t Know To Bake, Back To School Slow Cooker Freezer Recipes, Slow Cooker Tips+Tricks and Audio Lesson.
These 4 books are filled with great recipes that you can assemble in a couple of hours and fill your freezer with healthy meals – saving you time and money in the kitchen!
7. DIY Organic Beauty Recipes
This eBook from Mommypotamus is one of my favorites. I use it to make many of my skincare products. It includes 50, all natural, toxin-free recipes. It is perfect for making holiday gifts. You can read my full review here.
Click here to learn more or download your copy now! Use the code “BLACKFRIDAY” for 50% off!
8. DIY Non-Toxic Cleaning Recipes
9. Nourished Baby